(828) 526-8953
Post Office Box 1255
3763 Dillard Road
Highlands, NC 28741
Jimmy Tate is a gifted landscape designer. He has the rare ability to translate landscape ideas into reality. His investment is making the client happy. He is honest, ethical, efficient and working with him was a pleasure. His staff is excellent in every capacity….from installing the job to maintenance. Having Jimmy Tate design my yard was money well spent. My garden provides me immeasurable pleasure every day.
-Susan R. Duncan
There are several key reasons my company enjoys working with Tate Landscaping Services. I've worked with their team since 2007 on multiple projects. During that time, each project was completed with professionalism and at the highest levels I've seen in the landscape industry.
Over the past 20 years of my career as a landscape architect, I've worked with dozens of landscape contractors. TLS stands out as an industry leader. Their customer service, horticulture knowledge, landscape maintenance, and site construction capabilities are second to none.
Our projects where we've worked together, Tate's team has always developed a close relationship with the client. All of these projects continue to receive landscape maintenance from Tate long after successful project completion. To me, this says a lot about how pleased my clients are with their performance and how much they enjoy their gardens.
I find that a unique quality with Jim Tate and his staff is their tireless effort to not only complete a project, but execute the work with perfection. This can be seen in both their landscape and landscape construction.
I have begun to realize that not only do we enjoy working with Tate, but we have grown to rely heavily on them to execute our more complex designs successfully for our clients. This is especially true with difficult and challenging sites. I consistently tell clients that our work is only as good as the contractor who installs it. Tate unquestionably remains our preferred landscape contractor in Western North Carolina.
-Steven Lee Johnson, PLA, ASLA / Sitework Studios
I have been recommending Tate Landscaping Services for my clients since the company began. They are a model in our community for quality and consistent service. Tate Landscaping Services is a professional full service company that provides any landscape or site construction pieces.
–Hank Ross, RLA, ASLA